Devils Kitchen Colorado National Monument

Devils Kitchen Trail is located near the south end of Colorado National Monument at the bottom of rugged No Thoroughfare Canyon. This 1.2-mile hike ascends 225 feet to visits an intriguing rock formation on the side of the canyon where tall boulders have enclosed a rock grotto.

Devils Kitchen Colorado
No Thoroughfare Canyon

Two junctions are along the way and the path gets faint toward the end, so follow the directions on this one.

Devils Kitchen Trail starts out quite level, actually loosing 20 feet of elevation over 0.13 miles leading to the first junction. Follow the sign and turn right, taking the single track up No Thoroughfare Canyon. After another 0.13 miles make a left at the second junction leaving the canyon bottom toward Devils Kitchen.

Devils Kitchen lies within a tower of tall boulders perched on the south side of No Thoroughfare Canyon. As the trail heads south, you will begin to ascend the 225 feet of elevation gain. Follow the dirt track as it swings to the right and begins up a series of steps cut into the rock. At the top of the stairs, the trail fades. March straight uphill to the tall standing bounders. Ascend slick rock slope to the opening on the left side of the boulders, and steps inside.

Devils Kitchen Colorado NM
Steps up to Devils Kitchen

The rock enclosure creates a cool arena that attracts many visitors. Climb up the wall on the east side of the grotto to a window overlooking No Thoroughfare Canyon. When you are satisfied with the view, or can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen and return the 0.6 mile single-track to the trailhead.

Devils Kitchen Hike
Devils Kitchen

To get to the trailhead: From the east entrance of Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction, drive 1/4 mile south on Rim Rock Drive and turn left into the parking area for Devils Kitchen Trail (and No Thoroughfare Canyon Trail and Old Gordon Trail). From the opposite direction, drive 17.8 miles from Saddlehorn Visitor Center to the start of the trail. There is a picnic area with bathrooms directly across from the trailhead.

Trailhead address: 2377 Glade Park RoadMonument Road, Colorado National Monument, Grand Junction, CO 81507
Trailhead coordinates: 39.03177, -108.63075 (39° 01′ 54.4″N 108° 37′ 50.7″W)

Elevation Profile
Click or hover over any spot on this elevation profile to see the distance from the start and elevation above sea level at that location, which will be highlighted on the map.
Trail Map

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Devils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National MonumentDevils Kitchen Colorado National Monument

These photos were taken in June of 2010. Click to enlarge.
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Tagged with · Desert Canyons · Fruita · Grand Junction
Distance: 1.2 miles · Elevation change: 225 feet

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6 Comments on Devils Kitchen Trail in Colorado National Monument

  1. roshambo wrote:

    Did this hike 7/12/11 Got rained out before I could do much hiking though.

    roshambo's ratings for this hike: roshambo gives a rating of 4roshambo gives a rating of 4roshambo gives a rating of 4roshambo gives a rating of 4roshambo gives a rating of 4
  2. […] do we need to use the word “Devil” in so many of our outdoor area/trail names!?! I did Devil’s Kitchen this morning, right? Yesterday I was in Arches, home to Devil’s Garden. Dave and I hiked up […]

  3. Megan wrote:

    Great hike but they don’t allow dogs!

  4. Linda Barrett wrote:

    Why is Devil’s kitchen named that?

  5. Martha Leaffer wrote:

    What is the trail that goes by a creek and at the end is a crystal wall?